Baikal is a unique ecosystem that includes more than 2500 species of animals that are found only in this region. Scientists agree that there are many relict organisms concentrated in this place that have not yet been studied. Several rare species of animals live here.
Typical Siberian beasts: bear, wolf, fox, lynx, sable, otter, wolverine, elk, musk deer, squirrel, chipmunk, muskrat, white hare.
303 species of terrestrial vertebrates. Of these, amphibians - 3 species, reptiles - 3 species, birds - 249 species, mammals - 48 species.
Nerpa is the only mammal of Lake Baikal. According to morphological and biological characteristics, the Baikal seal is close to the ringed seal that lives in the seas of the Far North and the Far East. There are also some signs of similarities between the seal and the Caspian seal.
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